What Most People Don’t Know about Kids Identified as Talented & Gifted (TAG)
Nov 25, 2024
- Success Isn’t Guaranteed Being gifted doesn’t automatically mean a child will excel in school or follow a traditional path to college. Their unique way of thinking can make the structure of school challenging, and they may struggle to fit in academically or socially.
- The Desire to Feel "Normal" Many gifted children yearn to blend in, often feeling set apart from their peers. They’re acutely aware of their differences and may internalize this as something being “wrong” with them.
- Humility Over Labels For many TAG kids, being humble is more important than identifying as gifted. They often downplay their talents, as they don’t want to be seen as different or superior.
- Self-Awareness of Giftedness Surprisingly, many gifted kids don’t even realize they’re gifted. They just know they experience the world differently, which can feel isolating.
- A Deep Sense of Justice Fairness and justice matter deeply to gifted children, sometimes to the point of distress. A perceived injustice can lead to hours or even a whole day of frustration and anguish.
- Challenges with Age Peers Gifted children often find it hard to relate to same-age peers, feeling misunderstood or out of place in typical social circles.
- Profound Empathy Many TAG children are highly empathetic and care deeply about others, sometimes putting others' needs above their own.
- Not Everything Comes Easily While some things come effortlessly, other seemingly simple tasks can be inexplicably difficult for gifted kids, leaving them (and others) puzzled and frustrated.
- Quiet Struggles Many gifted kids suffer in silence, feeling the weight of expectations and a constant need to “measure up.”
- Rule-Oriented but Open-Minded Gifted children often appreciate structure and thrive within clear boundaries. Yet, they also crave flexibility and creativity; without it, they may feel stifled.
- The Need for Encouragement and Freedom TAG kids flourish when their ideas, questions, and creativity are met with encouragement and openness. They need “yes” moments that validate their interests and help them grow.
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