An open letter to the parents of gifted children
Nov 26, 2024
Dearest parent(s),
Nothing could have prepared you for this. Unfortunately, not many people will understand the difficulty and courage that it takes to parent such intense, curious, and sensitive souls. The truth is you’re in the minority. The “no child left behind” act feels bleakly familiar because you too feel like your child is being left, but for different reasons. Let me share this, your reasons are just as valid and deserve just as much attention because to be held back, to wait, to dislike school, the classroom, and not be challenged can be just as devastating.
I see it often and am so passionate about supporting and nurturing this population. My purpose in writing this letter is to offer encouragement. The first step is awareness and you are doing just that by reading this letter. My guess is your awareness came to fruition because of that strange “TAG” letter that was sent to you from the school or the fact that you always had that inner inkling like something may be different or perhaps you relate to your child and are just beginning to unravel and explore your own giftedness. Congratulations, you have entered the beginning of a journey filled with many highs and lows but you do have great company and if you become a part of these communities you will feel seen and nurtured amidst it all. WE GET IT!
Educate yourself through reading some of my favorite books:
Living with Intensity by Susan Daniels and Michael M. Piechowski
Your Rainforest Mind by Paula Prober
Five Levels of Gifted by Dr. Deborah Ruf
The Five Levels of Gifted Children Grown Up by Dr. Deborah Ruf
The second step is to join and get involved in Community. It will be your safe haven when the emotions get big or another teacher doesn’t understand or perhaps you have a teacher that does and can share that experience with your community as well.
Thirdly, seek expert counsel. There are many practitioners out there that will and do get it. In fact, I have had the fortunate experience of meeting pediatricians, optometrists, naturopaths, physical therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and acupuncturists. Additionally, there are consult groups of excellent clinicians that have teamed together to support you and your children. We are a growing community who lead with our hearts and can oftentimes relate to your Rainforest Mind! (Paula Prober)
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